Monday, January 03, 2005

Homulka Watch

Karla Homulka has not applied for early release or parole choosing instead to serve her full term. She will be released sometime in 2005 and rumors persist that she will settle out west. Corrections Canada expressed their confidence in her reform:

...we have no confidence that this individual will not cause harm or death to others.


Dear Sirs,

Double negatives can often be removed from a sentence to make it more clear and pleasant for the reader. Instead of saying "we have no confidence that this individual will not cause harm or death to others" try saying "we have confidence this individual will cause harm or death to others." That's nicer is'nt it. A little up-tone on the "will" can also enhance your meaning. Good luck.

Martha Stewart.

Dear Sirs,

Where out west?


Dear Sirs,

I can assure you um that we have a plan relative to um um the Homulka thing and I can er um assure you relative to the plan that um's Rod? I'm tired of this crap. Get Rod. Stop yipping.

Ralph Klein

Dear Sirs,

Homulka had a lot of good ideas, she just went too far.

Bobby Hull

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